Greetings from Torre di Zuino
The global context
From a political-administrative point of view, like the rest of the Lower Friuli, during the Middle Ages Zuino was part of the Patria del Friuli and, after the fall of this in 1420, it passed to the Republic of Venice.
These were turbulent times, marked by conflicts between the Serenissima and the Habsburgs for the control of these territories. With the Peace of Worms, in 1521, Zuino, Presedo and Fornelli became Habsburg territory, while nearby Malisana, which today is a hamlet of Torviscosa, remained under the Republic of Venice.
The Third War of Independence established a new division of Friuli in 1866: Torre di Zuino became part of the Kingdom of Italy and found itself once again close to the border, but this time with Austria-Hungary. Less than 50 years later, a new war begins, which Italy joins in 1915, convinced that it can obtain some imperial territories: Trentino, Dalmatia, Gorizia and Trieste.